©Urban Ruths

Nationalities: German, Greek
Age Range: 45 - 65
Height: 175 cm
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Brown
Voice: tenor
Voice Character: comedian, animation, dramatic
Appearance: Athletic
Location: Munich, Berlin
Native Tongue: German
Languages: English (fluent),
Accents: American-California, American-Southern States, American-Standard, British
Audio Books, Audio Drama, Children's Theatre, Comedy, Voice Over
Sports: Football, sailing, skiing
movie | tv | theatre
movie selection
2023 Monster on a plane Cornelsen Films
Feature Film - directed by Ezra Tsegaye | Professor Singh- Supporting
2021 Stand Up Timo Jacobs film
Feature Film - directed by Timo Jacobs | Elias von Eden - Lead
2018 Skincreepers Sebastian Wolf
Feature Film- directed by Ezra Tsegaye| The Priest - lead
2012 The child
Feature Film - directed by Zsolt Basc | Harry - supporting
2007 Pornorama | Sam Film
Feature Film - directed by Marc Rothemund |Cesare - Lead
2003 Verschwende deine Jugend | Claussen und Wöbke
Feature Film - directed by Benjamin Quabeck | Bob - supporting
2003 Mortal Beauty | Planet B - Film
Feature Film - directed by Markus Goller | Carlos - supporting
2000 Schnee in der Neujahrsnacht | UFA Film
Feature Film - directed by Thorsten Schmidt | Frank - supporting
1999 Schmetterlinge der Nacht | Berg Film
Feature Film - directed by Andreas Lechner | Richie - lead
1998 23 | Claussen und Wöbke Film
Feature Film - directed by Hans Christian Schmid | Pepe - lead
1997 Paarungszeit | Sam Film
Feature Film - directed by Marc Rothemund | Marcello - lead
1996 Die Mutter des Killers | Josefine Film
Feature Film - directed by Volker Einrauch | Eddi Hartmann - lead
1988 Linie | Bioskop Film
Feature Film - directed by Reinhard Hauff | 5 Characters - all lead
tv selection
2023 Bettys Diagnose - Findelkind
ZDF TV Series - Directed by Jurij Neumann | Adolphos Karassawas
2023 Wilsberg - Gene lügen nicht
ZDF TV Series - Directed by Philipp Osthus |Bernhard
2020 Soko Potsdam
ZDF TV Series - directed by Isabel Braak
2020 Dahoam is dahoam
BR TV Series - Directed by | Wolfi
2020 Soko Stuttgart - Mietfrei in den Tod
ZDF TV Series | Georg Mahler
2017 Müchen Mord - Leben und Sterben in Schwabing
ZDF TV Series - Directed by Sascha Bigler | Girgl
2017 In aller Freundschaft - Alles kommt ans Licht
ARD TV Series - directed by Frank Gotthardy
2016 Notruf Hafenkante - Die Sennerin vom Waseberg
ZDF TV Series - directed by Dietmar Klein | Stevie Tönz
2016 Heldt - Die Kakerlake
ZDF TV Series - directed by Heinz Dietz | Henner Bocht
2015 Katie Fforde
ZDF movie - directed by Sigi Rothemund | Bradley Shaw
2014 Der Kriminalist
ZDF TV Series
2013 Der Staatsanwalt
ZDF TV Series
2012 Im Schleudergang
BR TV Series
2012 Soko Köln
ZDF TV Series
2012 Die Speckners
BR TV Series
2011 Das Glück ist ein Kaktus
ARD TV Movie
2010 Soko 5113 - Untreu bis in den Tod
ZDF TV Series
1993 - 96 Alles auss Mord
Pro 7 TV Series | Uli Fichte Lead
theatre selection
2009 -2024 Ewig Jung
Renaissance Theater Berlin | lead
2018 Kasimir und Kaukasus
Schlosspark Theater Berlin | Henry - lead
2016 - 2018 La Cage aux Folles
Staatsoperette Dresden | George - lead
2013 - 2015 La Cage aux Folles
Landestheater Salzburg | George - lead
2008 Von Lügen und Lastern
Kudamm Theater Berlin | Gobbel - lead
2005 - 2006 Die Drei von der Tankstelle
Schlosspark Theater Berlin | Willi - lead
2004 Rendezvous nach Ladenschluss
Kudamm Theater Berlin | Kralik - lead
1986 - 1990 Linie 1
Grips Theater Berlin | div. charactres - lead
audio selection
2024 The Pradeeps of Pittsburg (Amazon) - lead
2023 Tango Shalom - lead
2019 Inuyasha - lead
2017 Der 100 - Jährige - lead
2015 Molly Moon - supporting
2014 Crossbones US series - lead
2014 Der 101 - Jährige - lead
2013 Elysium - supporting
2009 District 9 - lead
awards selection
2024 Best Special Effects für “MONSTER ON A PLANE” (Horrorant Festival Athens)
2021 Best supporting actor at the New York Int. Film Festival for “STAND UP”
2021 Best actor (outstanding achievement award) Kalkutta Filmfestival for “Stand Up”
2011 Bestes Theaterstück Goldener Vorhang für “Ewig Jung”
2000 Best actor Internet award für “23”
1999 Bester Film Deutscher Filmpreis für “23”
1998 Bayerischer Filmpreis Beste Regie für Marc Rothemund für “Das merkwürdige Verhalten geschlechtsreifer Grossstädter zur Paarungszeit”
1996 Bester Kinofilm beim Hypo Vereinsbank Award München für “Die Mutter des Killers”
1995 Nominierung bester Schauspieler Goldener Löwe für die Pro 7 Serie “Alles ausser Mord”
T. +49 30 346 58 918| INFO@CRAWFORDTALENTS.COM