Nationality: Danish
Height: 5’10”' (178cm)
Playing Age: 27-37 years
Appearance: European Mediterranean
Eye Colour: Light blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Length: Medium Short
Voice: Mid Range to light
Voice Character: | Danish | Clear I Direct |
Location: Copenhagen
Danish - Fluent in English - Highly skilled in Standard American
and UK / accents - Basic German - Basic nordic accents
Danish National School of Performing Arts
Ivana Chubbuck - L.A.
Highly skilled as a Pianist and Singer. Guitar.
Highly skilled in Soccer, Badminton, and Table Tennis. Tennis.
Good at most sports. Physical Acting and Movement. Stage Fight. Motorcycle and Vehicle License.
movie | tv | theater
movie selection
2023 Better Day
Feature Film / directed by Mads Erichsen| supporting actor
2022 - Kazarians Pagt
Short film / directed by David Metz | supporting actor
2020 Morgenboller
Short Film / directed by Mikkel Husted Mørup | leading actor
2020 I God Sikkerhedskultur
Informational short film / directed by Rumle Hammerich| supporting actor
2019 Now Look
Short Film / directed by Mikkel Husted Mørup | leading actor
2019 Ej blot til lyst
Short Film / directed by Mikkel Husted Mørup | leading actor
2018 Den Etbenede Kaptajn
Short film / directed by Mikkel Husted Mørup | leading actor
2016 Dan Dream
Cinema / directed by Jesper Rofelt | supporting actor
2015 Swing your tumor
Short film / directed by Michael Jes Buus | supporting actor
2013 Imperata
Feature film / directed by Nicklas Destremau|leading actor
2023 Bullshit
TV series / Viaplay | directed by Milad Alami | supporting actor
2022 Sygeplejeskolen
TV series / TV2 | supporting actor
2022 Matadorerne
TV series / DR | directed by Tilde Harkamp| supporting actor
2021 Sommerdahl
TV series / TV2 | directed by Carsten Myllerup |supporting actor
2021 Fars Drenge
TV series/ Viaplay | directed by Morten BH | supporting actor
2021 Den Sorte Enke
TV series / TV2 | directed by David Rue | supporting actor
2020 Grænseland
TV series / DR |directed by Claus Pilehave | supporting actor
2019 Jagten på en morder
TV series / TV2 | directed by David Rue | supporting actor
2018 Håbet
TV series / TV2 | directed by Christian E. Christiansen | supporting actor
2017 Mercur
TV series / TV2 Charlie | directed by Charlotte Sachs Bostrup | supporting actor
2023 Same Shit Different Planet
Krudttønden / That Theatre Company |directed by Ian Burns| leading actor
2020-21-22 Heroin
Faar302 / PlayDead |Own production | leading actor
2019 Who can define love
Odense Theatre / Odense Theatre |directed by Haesam Jakir | leading actor
2019 Fyrtårn
Momentum Theatre / Own Production |directed by Nina Helledie | leading actor
2019 Flygtningelejren
Theatre R / Touring Theatre |directed by Jeppe Sand| leading actor
2018 Leve Livet
Bornholms Theatre / Bornholms Theatre | directed by Jens Boutrup| leading actor
2018 Catch me if you can
Odense Theatre / Odense Theatre |directed by Ian Rolf Heim | support actor and dancer
2017 Oliver Twist
Odense Theatre / Odense Theatre|directed by Madeleine Røn Juul| supporting actor and singer
2017 Macbeth
Odense Theatre / Odense Theatre |directed by Simon Boberg| supporting actor
2017 Tartuffe
Momentum Theatre / Odense Theatre | directed by Boris Ostan | leading actor
2016 På Bunden
Royal Danish Theatre / Odense Theatre|directed by Alexa Ther | supporting actor
2016 Let me in
Odense Theatre/ Odense Theatre | |directed by Jacob Schjødt| supporting actor
2016 Her og Nu
Odense Theatre / Odense Theatre| directed by Maria Kjærgaard-Sunesen | supporting actor
2015 Pesten
Odense Theatre / Odense Theatre|directed by Peter Kunz | supporting actor
T. +49 30 346 58 918| INFO@CRAWFORDTALENTS.COM